I'm feeling very very very anxious about v* and being out of control, all of a sudden.
I'm tired from partying last night, but I didn't drink that much (like six drinks all night). I've been fine all day and eaten though.
Whenever I drink even a small amount though I worry about getting a hangover. I also always feel a bit n* if I haven't had much sleep.
Add to this I've got a cold and I'm a bit gaggy, and I'm stressed for other reasons (I have PTSD from an abusive relationship and earlier I was talking about him with a friend and I think that was the first trigger for the anxiety).
Basically you know that hateful feeling of anxiety n* and not knowing if it's real n*? Dry mouth, shallow breaths, shaking, pacing...
I've gone for a walk to get some air and taken some tummy settling medicine. It's helped a little.
I hate the fact it's New Years Day and my phobia is setting in 😔 this is not how I want to begin the year.