So norovirus is rampant in my daughters school at the moment. Its a matter of time - when not if....

Last year was the worst years since she was born. An epidemic in January where she got ill and one by one everyone did within a week - it was unbearable. I felt like a trapped animal being tortured, in all honesty I was doing 'better' with my phobia before then, and since I have not been the same again. Again in August, in an on / off pattern for 6 WEEKS. I left like a coward and have hated myself even more as a result. I think its worse because it never spread before, being super careful seemed to stop anyone else getting it, but in January last year no matter how careful, it just got everyone. I had D no V, despite having virtually no contact for days. Still to this day I can't think how I got it.

I am freaking out its going to be the same as last Jan and just spiralling. I don't know what to do.

Another thing that freaks me out is how everyone describes the V as being with no notice, i.e. it just comes out of the blue with no warning. Freaks me out so much. Like at any second it could happen

Bit of a nervous wreck right now :-(