There's just been something about today... Iv been thinking back to the last time I felt so n* Iv been reading social media statuses from friends saying them, their children or their partner has a bug.

then tonight I'm lying on my bed listening to music. I get this sensation I'm going to gag. My stomach feels extreme n* and gassy???like I'm hungry. I'm hot and cold. Shaking. Excess saliva. I know I feel anxiety n* a lot. But this feels exactly like I did last time I v*. I want to scream, cry. I want to escape my body. I feel so erratic because I know it's coming. I'd rather die than this happen. I just went to the loo for a pee and I pooped without even trying. I cooked soft boiled egg for my tea. What if there was something wrong with it or I have a bug. It's something cuz it's going to happen. Please help me