well guys i think my day come...... please i need to some reassurance

basically i've been feeling queasy and shaky all day couldn't really manage any lunch apart from toast (not like me at all!!) and when i got back to work i started to feel worse and worse and worse until i had to come home cos i knew it was gonna happen.......

well i made it home but had to run upstairs to the toilet where.............. nothing came out......... honestly this isn't another panic episode! *SLIGHTLY GRAPHIC*my stomach was turning i could feel the v* coming up my throat but i said to myself i'm gonna do it and not be scared anymore..... so after an hour and half pacing the house i started to get abit confused all that time i had felt so n* and at first i was willing to face it and just do it but now i'm just scared again........ the n* has subsided slighty although my tummy had gone from churning and churning to rumbling and feeling acidy what is this??? i can put my hand on heart and say i was truely gonna v* it was not one of my normal panic n* things (oh you can definitely tell the difference!!!) do u guys think i will v* now??? i've taken anti-emetics (which help clear the stomach - Motilium 10 domperidone) maybe thats why its calmed down and it will come back later???!!!!!!!!! the real bad n* was about 3 hours agon i do still abit n* now but not like before...........................