So basically my worst nightmare happened last mom was driving me home last night and suddenly she says she feels faint. She manages to pull over to the side of the road and passes out. I am screaming her name and trying to wake her up and suddenly she comes to and v* all over the front seat. I immediately call 911 and the EMTs come and rush her to the hospital. i have then have to sit in the v* covered seat and drive to the hospital.
Thankfully, all the tests came back negative and the doctors think she has the flu. So, now I am obviously grateful that nothing was seriously but I am terrified that I am now going to get sick too. The day before I shared a tube of toothpaste with her and I am terrified. Plus I was sitting in her v*
I am holding onto hope that this was the flu and she only threw up because she was really run down and not the SV
I am basically just sitting here waiting to get sick so I really just need help and support right now