I recently posted a little breakdown of the latest Norovirus infection data on another support group, but so many people found it useful I thought I would post it here too, just in case anybody is interested.

For all of you longing for the Norovirus season to finally end, you'll be pleased to hear that lab confirmed cases have finally begun to fall over the last few weeks. We're currently seeing about 30% fewer cases this year than we did in March 2012 (one of the worst Norovirus seasons in recent years). Interestingly enough lab confirmed Noro cases are actually up 10% on this time last year...

Historically speaking, the number of new cases begin to fall dramatically around mid April, so for all of you patiently waiting for "Noro season" to finally be over, mark your calendars for the 16th April. The caption on my calendar reads "Sunglasses out, sick bowls away".

Ps. These statistics are based on UK data, but should apply globally. For any readers in the US, I've done a separate breakdown below.

Interestingly enough, the statistics show the same massive drop in outbreak rates in mid April, so keep that date on your calendar! - Norovirus infection rates in the US are actually 5% lower than they were this time last year and 10% lower than they were this time in the 2012 season.

I hope that may help some of you, not long until the end of the season