I don't know if I'm alright or not... been very stressed with my sister recovering from the heart attack. I keep getting these atttacksn where Im light headed and uncoordinated.. At work I was standing and talking to a couple and it got so bad I thought I was going to faint. The man I was talking to had lost both his legs and his fingers due to an operation to putt in a defibrillator ( sepsis) after several heart attacks and he was young.. Maybe it hit too close to home.. I managed to get home and take my bp.. it was 96 on the bottom. . Mine is always low..until lately. . My stomach has been ok, surprisingly.. till now, Its 4 am and Its grumbling and I had to go.. that made me anxious.. Shew.. I hate this... I so want to be strong and confident and be able to be there for the family without freaking out inside.. I think Im ok on the surface but crumbling inside.. thanks for listening. I'm sure Ill feel better when the sun comes up.