Not going to waffle on but basically I get the verdict in court on Thursday regarding my abusive ex.

And my stomach is in shreds.

I mean, I have gone through nerves before with other things and felt a little n* and the butterflies and the adrenaline...

But nothing in my life has ever compared to this event, and I feel really s* to my stomach. To the point I could gag. And it's getting worse. Come Thursday I am just as worried about v* just before and/or after the verdict as I am about the verdict itself.

Guys has anyone here been through something so extreme and massive that they have felt the n* and gagging I do? This feels way worse than standard anxiety n* in comparison. Diazepam is helping a little but my doctor today said she was concerned about me getting addicted! All I need.

Any support always, always appreciated, you lovely lovely bunch x