I use to be on here a few years ago but lost my account so I had to make a new one. So last Saturday we we're super short at work so I had to work 10 and a half hours without a lunch so obviously I was super tired. Sunday I went for a looong walk, worked Monday 10 hours and went for a long walk Monday night too. Tuesday I woke up with the worst aches ever, then Wednesday I went to a concert with my SO and got so hot I almost passed out. Her car broke down and we were out of town so we had to get up at 5 in the morning so we could make it to the shop. We finally got home that night then I had to wake up at 6 Friday, and work another 10 hours, and then 10 hours again Saturday. When I got off Saturday night I started getting chills so I took a bath and my SO turned on the heated blanket and I fell right asleep around 9pm and slept till 1pm the next day. She said I got super hot. When I woke up I was so dizzy I could hardly walk to the bathroom and felt like I was gonna fall over. My temps been down today, around normal and I haven't taken anything since last night. Then I also started my period today, which is anywhere form 3 to 7 days early, and I have loose stool. I'm so tired of feeling bad. I'm starving but nothing sounds good. I still feel weird when I try to walk. Do you think I got so hot I caused brain damage or something??? If I don't feel better tomorrow I'm going to the ER. Someone help please