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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Why does it just keep on showing up!! UGH!

    As most of you know, my entire family (4 of us) broke up with a sv* last month. I'm pretty sure we had rotavirus (started off with fevers, n*, my youngest son had v* and then a week of watery d* and stomach cramps). We FINALLY seem to be past it. My oldest son was still having stomach cramps and some d* over the weekend but has been good the last couple of days. I run a daycare in my home and take care of 3 kids under the age of 3. One of the little ones, she is 2.5 caught it but hers was very brief, less than 48 hours. My guess is because she had the rota vaccine when she was a baby and the Dr. said it significantly shortens the duration and the symptoms but may not take it away completely. The other two seemed to have avoided it, so I thought. I got a message from the youngest one I keep (15 months) Mom on Sunday night saying he had a fever and some diarrhea but not too bad. She chalked it up to him cutting teeth but kept him home on Monday to be safe. By last night she said his fever was gone and was acting normal so he would be coming today (Tuesday). Well early this morning I got a message from her saying she wasn't bringing him because he v* twice this morning. She said he had no fever just the v*. So now I'm freaking out! I don't know if it's what we had or not. It's hard to tell! He was on vacation until last Wednesday so he wasn't around during the brunt of when we had it and he came back to my house on Thursday AFTER I had cleaned the entire house with bleach and lysol spray. So I'm wondering if he picked up something somewhere else and it could be noro. In that case, I'm freaking out! I'm so tired of having a sv* in my house so tired of having d* and stomach cramps and my kids complaining of their stomachs hurting. It's been a LONNNNNGGG 3 weeks (yes 3 weeks, this began over 3 weeks ago when my youngest started with it). What do you all think? He may be coming back tomorrow, not sure yet. I'm freaking out!!!
    Last edited by Leslie735; 05-05-2015 at 07:41 AM.



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