Hey all,
Has anyone experienced vomit dreams? Where either you or you see someone else throwing up? I've had them a few times in my life, and last night included. I've read before other members having vomit dreams thinking its a precursor to catching norovirus. I'm really big into dreams and symbols so I did my own sort of research about what our brains may be telling us during these unpleasant sleepy experiences. Feel free to contribute. I'd love to hear input

Personally, this is extremely fitting to me which is why I want to share.

To dream that you are vomiting indicates that you need to reject or discard an aspect of your life that is revolting. There are some emotions or concepts that you need to confront and then let go.
To see someone vomiting in your dream signifies the false pretenses of people who are trying to take advantage of you.

This is most commonly an idea or a belief which we have internalized, or “eaten,” and which we now need to remove and be rid of before it causes more damage. It is also possible to have a vomiting dream symbol about a relationship or even about a situation in life, though these things are also most often connected to ideas and beliefs. People make us believe different things about ourselves, and so a toxic relationship can make us believe things about ourselves that we should reject for our own well-being.