Classic example of the morning after concerning me. Well I wont explain the full story cos its wayyy too long but its been eight weeks since I took it and with a negative pregnancy test and a period in between I've finally learned to relax and wait for my period. However I've had this weird dizzy thing that only seems to happen every now and then and has been there since Wednesday... I thought it was the heat at first but it seems to creep up on me in the afternoon and especially at dinner time , its an unsteady feeling which is almost lightheadedness accompanied by a wave of nausea which is making me not wanna eat. I lost a ton of weight and am 46kg which is probably wrong for a 5'8 woman. My bro said its cos I'm underweight that I feel this but it seems odd.. Plus I'm forcing a good three meals a day and the uneasy feeling is still there.

Could this be a side effect of plan B? :\