10 year old complaining of a headache, n* and a tummy ache before bed. So I prepared everything the best I could and sent her off to bed. 5 hours later, it started.

She tu* twice, really close together. Like maybe 10 minutes apart. It's been right at an hour since she v*. She's sleeping on a pallete in the bathroom right now. I've got everything as under control as I can, rubber gloves, face masks, bleach, plastic bags, etc. I am worried about the bottoms of my feet and what I'm tracking as I go in and out of the bathroom to help her. I lined a path on the floor to my office and bedroom with towels but I can't do that all over the house. Anyone have any suggestions?

I had noro once, and I remember I had d&v every 20-30 minutes. Does anyone know how often you d&v with noro? Could this be something else?

Today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me!