Today I ate at KFC, it was delicious, I ate everything, I had no problems. Maybe 3 hours after that I had some Ranch pringles, was fine after that. Again around 8:30 pm I had more Ranch pringles and some coca cola. At about 9 - 9:30 I did a work, after that I started feeling N, I took 2 gravol and went about my business thinking the N would go away, it didn't. It is now 3:43am and I still feel N, I swear I almost V a few times, I'm trying so hard to keep it down.

I'm just wondering if it's food poisoning or if I did my work out too soon after eating?
Any suggestions for the N? I'll do anything to not feel N or V.. literally anything

I feel alone, no one understands that this is my biggest fear and I'll do anything not to get N or V

Any advice would be appreciated..

V is normal right??