My anxiety is through the roof - and not mainly to do with emet. I am under an extreme amount of stress in my life. The anxiety is so bad I am feeling very nauseous.

I have woke in the night, shaking and crying and panicking. I felt an urge to v* just a few moments ago. What doesn't help is I am just finishing a course of antibiotics for a chest infection which has affected my stomach too. I'm also on Valium for panic attacks. The anxiety also triggers my emet and vica verca - earlier this evening I met a friend to cheer me up and I had a two glasses of red wine and some seafood and I am already convincing myself I have a hangover and food poisoning which isn't really the case.

What I'm trying to say is my mind is like a washing machine, filled with anxiety generally and also the emet, feeding each other. I don't know whether medication as a factor is hindering or helping but my stomach also feels like a washing machine. Everything feels in a tangle and a vicious circle of anxiety, emet, side effects, panic about food/drink, or any one of these in isolation or any combination together.

Does anyone kind of know what this feels like? It is hell, total hell.