Hi everyone,

I am emetophobic in a very bad way, it causes me to have panick attacks and things have got worse rather than better. I have had the phobia since a small child when I used to get sick a lot.

Im now getting married and 29, at the moment im so worried about getting norovirus on our wedding day.

the reason I now worry about this is because we went to a wedding earlier in the year and one of the Young bridesmaids at the wedding had norovirus, and actually vomited in front of me at the wedding. I don't like people being sick near me but it's more my fear of catching it and getting sick myself. The week of our wedding we are abroad so I'm scared to eat certain food incase I get ill or food poisoning - I don't know what to do should I cook food myself that week??

my next thing is children... I do want children but feel I'm in no fit state to be a mum when I would be worried about catching their tummy bugs. My fiancé wants them as soon as we are married but I don't know what I'm going to do about my fears?

Just oust looking for some friendly advice really......