It started with me and my youngest son last weekend (on Friday), we both had a day of D* I wouldn't say true watery d* just having to go often with cramps and they were loose (sorry graphic). My youngest son (he's 6.5) was past it by the next day and hasn't had an issue since. My oldest son started with it on Tuesday and he is still having d* pretty bad, like about 4 or 5 times a day. Pretty much when he eats, within minutes it's coming back out. It's so bad he's having accidents and he's almost 9 years old. I feel so bad for him!! I'm still having on and off d* but its getting better. What could be causing this? We have appetites, no fever, or aches. Just d*. We had rotavirus back in April, started with aches/headaches, high fevers and d* followed for about 8-10 days for me, both my kids and my husband. It was terrible! Could it be rota again and its more mild in myself and my other son because we already had it? So far my husband hasn't come down with the d* but the 3 kids I babysitt during the week have. They each had it for 5-8 days. Even one of the Moms had it for about a week. Whatever it is, I want it to go away!!