So I was vegetarian for about 1 1/2 years. I went pescetarian in April. I seem to be a lot of fish since I've changed my diet and I have forgotten about all the other proteins I used to eat when I was just veg. I have started a new job that has become a major stress in my life since my manager is horrible and the job is very demanding. I know that me not feeling 100 % most of the time is probably due to the anxiety I get from work but I am also a huge hypochondriac and I am now thinking of all these different diseases I could be getting now since I haven't really been taking care of my body. One of which mercury poisoning from eating way too much fish particularly tuna. I try and not eat it every single day but it seems to be every other day which is still a lot. I eat sushi/sashimi tuna which I know has the highest mercury count. I guess I'm just really scared I could be giving myself mercury poisoning and I am having a lot of anxiety over it. On top of that my diet has been very poor in terms of fat, salt and carbs. I work in a mall and I just seem to be relying on convenience and not what is good for me. So I have been buying take out a lot in the past 4 months I've had this job. I've basically diagnosed myself with diabetes, mercury poisoning, stomach ulcers, kidney failure, and I'm sure there are other diseases that I will come up with. I know regardless if I actually have any of these ailments I do need to change my lifestyle because in the future I will definitely start to have problems and I definitely need to see a doctor just for a check up but does anyone go through these type of thoughts or times in their life? Where they basically have let their health go and it becomes a vicious cycle because your anxiety gets worse? Does anyone have any coping mechanisms? Especially since right now I have so many horrible thoughts in my head and I haven't been able to each much today because I was feeling a bit ill?