I know this thread has probably been made a billion times, but I need a root canal very soon. I have BAD BAD dentist anxiety. I'm not afraid of the needles, not afraid it might hurt, etc. I watched a youtube video on a live root canal and seems pretty quick and my dentist promised me it's way easier than what he has done to me (Bad teeth genetics = HOURS in a dental chair being tortured lol). The procedure itself didn't bother me & I know the procedure wont make me sick.
But just watching the video made me gag multiple times. Because of the dental dam they were using. I can't do dental dams or anything like that. I have had 4 hours of work done just holding my mouth open on my own. The dental dams cause me such great anxiety. I feel like I can't swallow and when I am anxious I swallow hard and a lot, and of course I will be anxious. And it's weird but I correlate having my mouth open like that with getting sick. Like my body will be like "oh okay she wants to throw up" lol Like if you stare at a toilet when you're n* it can sometimes bring it on for people when they are sick. (Sorry if that triggered anything) When I get anxious I am very tight lipped and i keep my jaw clenched and tightly shut, so having my mouth forced open like that..not good. I also feel like I am choking on my own saliva with those things.
I'm afraid I am going to make a fool of myself when I go. My personal dentist is used to it. We have a system, he knows me, and I trust him fully. He wont do a root canal though, so I have to see a specialist and I honestly feel bad FOR HER. I am a terrible patient. My mom told me I just need to grow up when I expressed concern...and I guess I do. She said to do what I want, let my teeth "rot out" since I don't care. I was kinda upset because even "normal" people have dental anxiety especially with things like root canals. And obviously I care or I wouldn't be so diligent with my teeth and have all this crap done. So I was hoping to get some support here.
I know to breathe in through your nose to help not gag, but i can't seem to focus on it. Is there anything else I can do too? any tips from those who have had them? I don't even know which tooth needs it honestly, but I have a bad feeling it's a far back tooth, top of my mouth..so not easily accessed :/