Hey guys,

This is a question I've been wondering about a whole lot recently. I haven't v* in so long... almost a decade now (I'm 22), but I've been plagued with the stomach flu, virus, eaten bad things and even got food poisoning, yet I haven't v*ed in such a long time.

I ask my friends and peers a LOT about v*ing because I'm so curious on how not a lot of people fear it. I asked one of my close friend's dad, and he told me that it's actually possible not to get sick if you choose not to. What did he mean by this? Is it really possible to never v* ever again for the rest of my life? My mother also has emetophobia, but she doesn't know the term for it, she just holds it in, and will panic a bit when she feels n*. When she was pregnant, she felt so sick throughout the entire pregnancy, but she managed to hold it in.

I'm aware that v*ing is our body's natural way of getting rid of the things that are harmful to our bodies, but there are days where I'm extremely n*, and I pray to God that he'd kill me rather than make me v*. There are some days where I want to be cured from this fear more than anything, and other days where I realize that if I get over this fear, it means that mentally I would let myself v*, and I tell myself that maybe it's better to live with the fear.