OK guys. Sexual content, I'm sorry but Im worried....if you wanna read the emet part, scroll down to the last paragraph!

Im aware I'm already driving myself insane and going schitzo over this but here's the deal. (Sorry for way too much TMI here and any disappointment regarding contraception!)
I never have sex with my bf as I don't react well to contraceptives and just dont ever feel the 'drive'... But after 9 months of not doing it, we decided to 'quickly do it' on the morning of 13th of Feb(I believe this was 11 days ago...). OK...this is the detailed part(again sorry folks).... I asked him if he had c* recently to which he said "not since 24hrs ago" so he'd obviously been to the bathroom before we did it.... Plus we literally did it for two mins, just to see what it felt like....I saw no c* and felt nothing....which i was relaxed about, plus we literally only 'put it in' for a very short amount of time.
Now, here's the odd thing. The day before we did it I had period cramps, as I usually do a few days before I start... I told my mate and how I was getting them a little early as I was due on around Feb 16/17 and she told me not to worry.
The next morning was the sex morning... And low and behold, 8-9 hours later. I started a full period. So! That made me relax as A.he didn't ejaculate and B.if any implantation happened, surely it would have been hard as I was 'on' right? So I've promised my bf I won't worry (he gets very very stressed when I get stressed about this..)

Emet part - My stomach is always in a state so I've given up with it now and am gonna try cutting out sugar. However, I've recently become very sensitive to stuff I love....coffee made me feel n* last night....cake and chocolate which I LOVE I just can't eat at the moment without feeling really acidic and just overly sugared. Doesn't morning sickness cause this kind of thing? I know its been eleven days since we did it and I panic about everything but I'm constantly concerned.... I won't be on a period for another three weeks I guess....would it be worth taking a test?

Very sorry about such graphic stuff, I really am