Hey everyone,

A little backstory. I tend to visit the forums when times are "bad." As in, looking for support I can't seem to find anywhere else, asking questions when I'm concerned about an experience, etc. The past year or two (don't remember how long it's been since my last post) have been pretty good for me. I handled quite a few bad experiences really well (involving vomit).

But I've recently taken a couple of new jobs, and I feel like I'm being pushed until I break. The first job has been plagued with nasty colds. I have successfully dodged those thus far. But the second job seemed to have picked up where the first job left off. The whole office is hacking and sniffling and I'm going nuts! I've done a good job avoiding those colds as well, thus far. I'm sure my number is up soon. Anyways, the cold prevention and worry has worn me down. So when I went into work at the first job today, the receptionist was telling me about how my buddy at work had been throwing up last night. Freaked me out a bit, but I managed to stay calm. Until he SHOWED UP. He comes in and sits in my little office and tells me the story! I'll spare you the details, but here are the key points:

1. His little baby (almost 1.5 years old) had thrown up in his crib Friday night, and my buddy cleaned it up. Not sure if his wife helped.
2. Sunday afternoon around 5pm my buddy started feeling sick and threw up.
3. By 10 or 11pm, he had thrown up one last time and felt back to normal.
4. His wife started feeling sick and throwing up around 8 or 9pm the same night. I believe she was feeling better and eating this morning.

So naturally, my gut reaction is "oh crap, noro." But part of me thinks this was just a bizarre food poisoning case, and isn't contagious. The only reason I'd think it was noro is because his baby threw up Friday, and then my buddy threw up two days later. What do you guys think? Does this sound like noro or something non-contagious food poisoning? My buddy thinks it was food poisoning because he and his wife both got sick within a short time of each other, and they had the same thing for lunch.

What's bothering me is, if it's contagious, who knows if he still had some contagious particles in his mouth while he was talking to me? Could I have been exposed to this God-awful virus??

Anyways, I apologize if this is too graphic for some, and for my distance from the boards lately. This experience broke the camel's back, so to speak. I got home and got in the shower and scrubbed individual parts of my body for 20 seconds (exposed skin, like arms and neck, etc). I can usually get over something like this with ease lately, but since he was sick last night and I saw him before even a full day had passed, I'm a wreck. Many thanks for any and all opinions. And please, don't sugar coat anything. If you think it's noro, be straight up with it so I can mentally prepare for the worst, should it come to that.