OK, so I'm planning on getting two tattoos done tomorrow. The appointment's booked for 10:00a.m., I know exactly what I'm having and I should be looking forward to it. I've been wanting these tattoos for a long, long time. Many years, in fact. But now I think I'm going to chicken out.
Let me explain a little about my situation!
OK, so I obviously have emetophobia. I'm not ready for therapy, though, so please *please* don't suggest it. I have enough in my life already, in terms of daily stressors and anxiety. I am also autistic, which only stirs the shit further. Ho hum. Anyway, a long time ago I decided to have 'Carpe diem' tattooed on my inner wrist, as well as a small blue dot on the inside of my elbow. They might not make sense to you, but they make sense to me and I really want them. However, I am terrified of the actual procedure.
Pain? I don't give a shit. But feelingThatfeeling? You know what I mean by 'That feeling'! Or actually being...getting...'S' (if you see what I'm getting at)? That thought is unimaginable. I am so frightened, because I have heard about some people getting 'S' with tattoos. Especially as I don't know whether to eat beforehand (I was hoping not to), what to eat if I do eat (which you are supposed to) and whether this outcome - the worst possible outcome - is actually going to happen?
I am so scared. Do I chicken out, or not?
Please help me.