
Today, I took my medication on an empty stomach. Usually, I feel somewhat n* when I do that (also usually fuelled by anxiety caused by my phobia), but when I flush it with fluids or eat something, I feel better. Well, I tried my normal routine- drink something clear and cold, practiced mindfulness meditation and principles I learned in cognitive behavioural therapy plus I went for a walk. Embarrassing enough, my last resort for my n* and anxiety is to call my mom. She's always been supportive and understanding. I did all of that, and I still felt n*- then I ended up getting s*.

Right now, my anxiety is practically gone and I'm starting to feel better. NOW my crazy head is worried that I'm going to struggle really badly with my phobia. It seems after every time I get s*, I experience anxiety and panic related to emetophobia that is much worse.

So I'm not going to let it get out of control..which is why I'm writing this-

Do any of you have any tips that work well? Right now, I need a dose of reality, before my head becomes wrapped up in my anxiety.

Thanks for any advice.
