So I am panicking. Earlier today I was fine, I had some baked ziti for lunch and a few hours later some chocolate. I am known to eat these things and am overall fine.

I just had a sandwich and some popcorn (non-buttered, "healthy" stuff) and just as I was finishing up I got stomach cramps.
TMI, I am known to "go" every 2 days. I went earlier, and then w few hours later I got these stomach cramps (now) and just went again and this time it was loose and burned. I passed gas at first and then went.

Now I am sitting here having a panic attack feeling nasty like I need to pass ore gas. My stomach feels gross too, like sensitive almost. As a rsult I am n*. I also have a slight headache...I am due for my period this week but I am on the pill and usually after my last pill (taken Saturday) I get it on Tues or Weds. I am not sure if this is PMS and panic and maybe tomato sauce from ziti (I also had spaghetti and a meatball and a half last night around 7:30 for dinner) working against me.

Also I don't know of anyone who is ill, but I did go to a party and then an art fair Saturday. No one at the part was or is ill and from my knowledge I did not touch anything at the air fair, nor did I eat there.

I could really using some comforting words. I HATE lose stools like this, they make me wonder if it will happen again like when I was ill last year. It started with a weird bloat and then d* for hours until I v*. I get freaked out now that it will happen again.

Sitting down now with a cool wash cloth on my neck (oh yeah bonus: It's hot and humid in my house) and sipping cool water trying to keep calm. Any words of encouragement help!