I know it's late and I'm not going to get a response until the morning but I'm really scared. I drank tonight but not that much--I had 2 beers, 1 glass of wine, and 1 shot of Fire Ball, and this was all paced over a good amount of time. Well, it's 4:30 am right now and my stomach is killing me. I drank hours ago, maybe 5 hours ago. The pain is above my belly button, a steady cramp. I'm on my period but it's ending, I usually don't get pain toward the end of my period. The pain started right before I was getting ready to go to sleep (of course) at around 3. I tried to ignore it. I even went to the br (had a bm) and thought it was simply gas. Well, I don't know if I had a bad dream or what but I was just forcefully jolted out of sleep, I just shot out of bed all panicked, thinking I was about to v*. I couldn't stay in bed after that, I was really panicked and still am. My stomach hurts really badly and I don't know what to do. I don't have to poop (sorry, TMI) and I'm not really all that gassy. It makes me feel better that I'm not really n* but not really because I still feel like crap. Am I going to v*??? I feel like with alcohol it doesn't last this long--if you're going to V* you'd just DO it. I should also mention that I recently started taking birth control and I'm concerned that it also has something to do with that. Ugh, please help me. A few words of wisdom would mean the world to me right now. But it's the middle of the night and I just want to be asleep like everyone else!!!!!!