Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to share my experience with and endoscopy so hopefully this won't happen to anyone else. I've had one before so I know the drill. I always tell them my fear and anxiety, and that it takes me a little longer to wake up from anesthesia. The anesthesiologist told me that my chances of getting sick with propofol are just about zero. He offered me either zofran in the IV, no zofran, or zofran after in recovery if I need it. Stupid me listened to him and opted to just go for it without because I was fine before. Well, the test went fine and I was SLOWWWLY waking up from anesthesia, pretty comfortable, until the nurses start bugging me to wake up, have something to eat or drink, turn on my back...I wasn't even awake, could barely understand them, and they kept rubbing my shoulders, asking what I want to drink, etc. My hubby told them that I take longer to wake, etc. So to try to please them, I attempted to roll a little from my side...big mistake. I started feeling nauseous. I told my husband that if I move I feel nauseous. It's amazing that I was kind of panicking from the nausea even while still out of it!!! I was even touching my throat because I was trying to swallow and prevent anything. My hubby told the nurses and they did get me zofran, but I could barely wait for it...so glad it went right in the IV and started working in maybe 10 minutes. I was crying by now, not sure why...I guess because I was so fed up and felt helpless. They kind of laid off me when the doctor came in to talk and saw that I wasn't ready.

Finally, I woke up fully in my own time and I was sooo mad that they are so pushy, just to get you out so they can use the bed for the next patient. I told my husband "never again" and that they would be getting a letter from me. Two nurses came in and apologized and assured me that they want what is best for their patients and never want them to feel like they are being pushed out (yeah, whatever). I told them that they need to SLOW down. They kept saying that they just want to make sure I was okay. I told them that's what the monitor is for!!!

So, it was way too close for comfort for me. So anyone going in for a procedure like that, tell them ahead of time not to be so pushy getting you up. That's when the nausea struck, because I was still out of it, my stomach was empty, and the movement just made it awful. Also, just eat tiny bits at first. I had sips of apple juice and nibbled on a saltine.

I'm glad I did it because the worry about silent reflux, Barrett's, etc. was making me crazy. Thankfully everything looked okay (gotta wait for biopsy results though). But I am not going back any time soon. Just some words of warning. It's a business and they want to make money, even in healthcare!! Thanks all...I'd be curious to hear everyone else's experience with coming out of anesthesia!!