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    Question Help! Tips Please.

    Hi, i'm feeling a bit anxious this morning just cause I had a bad feeling whilst eating my breakfast, which was an hour ago. I havn't had a panic attack just that anxious feeling that doesn't want to go away. I'm watching one of my favourite youtubers which is making me laugh but I c'ant seem to forget that i'm anxious. It's just this feeling in the back of my head cause I had a feeling this morning but it wasn't even nausea, i'm not even sure what it was. I'm also drinking some black chai tea which usually helps me cause I love the taste and it consists of ingredients that help nausea, stomach aches etc... I've got my mint gum which is reassuring. I just want to get on with my day cause I really want to clean my hamster and tortoise cage and rearrange my school supplies. It's only 10:15 and I don't want to spend the day feeling delicate, anxious or spent in my room. Does anyone have any help for me to move on and forget about the feeling or that I'm anxious. My stomach is also a little bloated which is really annoying, hopefully the tea will help with that. Please any suggestions or tips will be appreciated. Thank you and hope you are all feeling better than I am.

    Also kind of gross to talk about but I went to the toilet this morning and it smelt kind of foul. It wasn't like dia or anything but it was a bit softer than usual from what I saw. My grandma who lives in Guatemala had a gastro infection or something like 3 weeks ago and my mom was there (I wansn't) She seems fine but it's troubling me a bit. She didn't get sick or anything from what I know but she did have dia and a skin rash so they went to the hospital who gave her antibiotics and now she's all better, but I can't help but worry that I might get it even though I was in canada with my other grandparents. I only got back 2 days ago. Someone please reassure me. I'm really worried that I have stomach flu or gasto or something. I have very minor abdomen cramps but only before I went to the toilet and just after but now they've gone. Please help reassure me! I felt great this morning before this feeling but now I feel scared! What do I do?
    Last edited by LoveAlexa1; 08-21-2016 at 05:00 AM.



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