Hi everyone,

I'd like to share what's been going on with me for the past few hours and would love your opinions on what this is and what I should do about it. I'm pretty confused and scared.

Last night I had 4 drinks (WAY more than I usually have) but didn't feel especially tipsy and it was over a 5 hour period. When my bf and I got home we were intimate, which can sometimes upset my IBS and give me a touch of d* but not ever more than a couple doses of pepto bismol can handle.

Anyway, I woke up at 4am with the feeling of needing to have a BM - I went, and it was normal. I was relieved given the drinking and the you know what. As soon as I got back in bed I started having the gurgley bubbly abdominal feeling of d* coming. Well, it came immediately after, and basically hasn't stopped since. I think I've been about 10-12 times total, sometimes more than others. It is pure water but is normal in color and smell.

I didn't have any additional symptoms. After the 4am start, I took 4 chewable pepto bismols and went back to sleep around 6am. I woke up at 9am and had to go more times. Same type. I took 4 more chewable pepto. Still happening. At this point (maybe around 10am) I was thinking I probably have an s*v*, so I took 2 chewable dramamine.

Since then (it's noon now) I haven't gone to the bathroom, haven't felt nausea, and have what I believe to be a slight appetite, but am having pretty severe abdominal cramps every few minutes. This is something I've felt before but only when I've had a s*v*.

The scariest thing for me is that every time I've had a s*v* (2 in my adult life) I've had these types of cramps and d* has proceeded v* by a few hours. It's been 7-8 hours since the start of the d* and last time I had a s*v* I v* once about 5-6 hours after d* started. I just don't think I'm out of the woods yet for v*.

I'm wondering if y'all think I have a s*v*, or if it's just a random (and terrible) bout of IBS related to the drinking and other stuff...I haven't taken Immodium but I have it. I don't want to eat anything but probably will later if I maintain my hunger.

PLEASE respond if you read this. I want to be able to get back to my normal life ASAP.
Thanks for reading. <3