My little boy started school yesterday - he's nearly 5. Everythings going great, apart from one thing - handwashing.

Now I know I am more OTT on this subject than other parents due to my emetophobia but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect every child to wash their hands with soap and water everytime they have been to the loo and when the kids in his unit are aged between 3 & 4 (it's a mixed lower and upper foundation unit) I think an adult should be checking on this - or am i wrong here? please be honest.

I asked my son if he had been washing his hands with soap and water and he said there was no soap in the dispenser (which sent my blood pressure soaring!) so yesterday I told him to ask a grown up for help with the dispenser because I'm presuming it's him not using it right rather than it being empty - which he didn't do so this morning I asked his teacher to show him what to do because he can't get any soap out and she said she would, but it's made me realise that no one can be supervising handwashing.

School is SO different to the nursery he went to where a grown up accompanied them to the toilet every time and ensured they followed the "hygiene routine"