Hello All,
Question for you singers. I've been singing in a choir for a long time, and practice is usually in the evening, like 7:30. Well, every once in a while, if I've eaten before going, even an hour or more before, and then sing, I get kind of nauseous/full/lump feeling. I'm wondering if it has to do with the way I breathe while singing. I know you are supposed to breathe "abdominally", but that's what makes me feel like that. Then I end up singing less, getting afraid to sing because I think the feeling will get worse, start panicking about how I'm feeling among all these people, etc, etc.

Do any of you know of any connection to singing after eating? Anyone experience that? Am I just getting nervous and causing this? It happened again tonight at practice and we were really working and singing hard. I hate that!!! But I need to eat because if I didn't, I would definitely get lightheaded....sighhhh....hope someone can help. Thanks!