Please help!
I have had the worst day- midway through the day I had a panic attack (my first one in quite a while) and then I talked with my friend. When I met up with her later after class, she said that earlier she had needed to take her friend to the nurse because she had gotten s*. She said her friend had been sick the night before (I don't know whether she meant she had V* or had just felt s*), but then felt better in the morning, so she CAME TO SCHOOL which is literally the stupidest thing you could do! Anyway, I had been around the friend for about an hour a few days previous. I'm terrified I would have got it off her, or my friend (whom I live with) will have it from her and I will get it because I'll be in the same house all weekend. I don't know if 'it' is a sv* or food poisoning or something else, but I'm still worried. Please tell me, is it likely to get s*?? Neither my friend nor me have shown any symptoms at all (I've had some stomach/bowel problems but I that's been going on for long before this started) I'm really worried!

(Plus to top it off, when I was walking home I saw someone v* in their front yard )