I haven't post in such a long time , I'm 37 my phobia regarding noro virus / sick bug is at a all time high . The last few months I've been a nervous wreck . I have 2 daughters they are 7 & 3 live with me they both go to school / playschool . In recent weeks my 2 step children (they do not live with me ) have both had noro , my neighbours children both had it , a friends 3 kids (all go to school with my kids ) & now my best friends children all have / had it . I'm in panic , I'm struggling to the point I'm crying shaking , I do not want to send my girls to school or playschool today , my hands r sore from washing them . I went to my gp last week he just told me to phone some numbers for counselling so now I'm on waiting lists . I bleach the toilet after everyone goes . This fear is getting out of hand , I'm struggling to open doors in public , hold my children's hands , everything seems to b a threat , I worry all eve the girls will b sick in bed . Today my best friends daughter has come down with it an Now yet again I'm so stressed so uncontrollably anxious . I can't cope with feeling like this for much longer . I'm on 20mg of citalopram I'm a anxious person all round not just this phobia but this has taken over