Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum so apologies in advance if I post things in the wrong places.

I have just recently begun exposure therapy for my emetophobia and my therapist encouraged me to get creative with it at my first session a few days ago. So far I have found a good website that has videos that graduate in...let's call it the "yuck factor" and that have explanations so you know what you are letting yourself in for before you press play. I have watched all of them. I am not really sure what else I can do to keep working at it between therapy sessions. I know I could look at some more videos on you tube (a bit scared to be honest) but what other "creative things could I do? My therapist did mention, for example, walking through a hospital if one was on my way but 1. it is kind of out my way and 2. I am a bit scared of exposing myself to someone who is contagious.

Anyway, any tips would be appreciated!
