Hello! I have seen many posts about this "gagging" thing, so I just wanted to see if anyone had something similar to what I have. Whenever I'm in stressful situations I get this gagging feeling in the back of my throat, thinking about it makes it a whole lot worse. Some weird things about this is, I never actually V*, or actually gag, it's just a feeling. I clench my teeth and put my tongue against the top of my mouth. I can't eat in public, only at home (this seriously kills me ) I used to have very bad emetophobia, but now I really don't care. Someone can V* right in front of me and I will be fine, but I've grown a phobia for this feeling by itself. I've had this for 6+ years, When I was young I V* and it triggered the feeling ever since. Some days I feel fine, while I'm at school or am working, I can be fine at one point, and then in another time feel horrible. I can't eat at school or work, I just wait until I get home. I can't go on vacations or long road trips because of this feeling. I haven't been to the dentist in a while because of this (good thing I keep my teeth in good shape), and makes doing nearly anything impossible. Does anyone have this? And if so, do you think this type of anxiety can be treated with therapy or something else? I feel like I should have been to a therapist a long time ago. Thanks!