I've struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember.

When I was in high school, my anxiety got 100x worse and i ended up dropping out. I did finish by homeschooling myself my senior year.
I went to therapy sessions for a couple years, some of which included EDMR therapy. I was prescribed paxil and slowly got better. I went off the paxil, started smoking weed and it basically cured my anxiety.
Flash forward a few years later, i no longer smoke weed as it now gives me anxiety. Weird right?
Shortly after I stopped smoking, i went on Lexapro for my anxiety as it was starting to come back. It did help, but also turned me into a raging alcoholic. I of course had to stop taking Lexapro.
That was about 2 years ago and I have been taking Dramamine for any anxiety I have.
Now with that being said, I do not take it everyday. I do, however, take Dramamine very often, sometimes twice a day if need be. I go thru about 12 50mg pills in about a two week span.
Does anyone take it as often as I do? Does anyone know of any sort of long term health issues related to doing this? I'm 27 and am starting to become more health conscious and would like to know if anyone has any sort of insight.