Hi Everyone,

I need some help with something that's been bothering me a lot. I'm pretty healthy...I eat well, get enough sleep, don't drink or smoke, I'm 5 ft 1 and about 97 lbs...always been thin due to this fear. Anyway, I do most things "right" but I don't like exercising!!! I will walk with hubby after dinner when the weather is nice. We will do a mile or two. I've tried to do a little weight lifting to get my arms toned, but I always give up. I'm in CT, so when the weather is cold (like NOV to at least MAR), I won't go out much.

The problem is that I feel extremely guilty about not exercising!! I know it's so good for you, so I feel like if I don't, I won't live as long, I will have things wrong with me, etc, etc...

I guess what I would like to know is how many of you exercise? And is it okay not to? Is it that bad for you??? It just weighs on me constantly..... THANK YOU in advance!