Hello! This is a bit off topic but kind of relevant I guess. I'm going to Disney World this Saturday and I am SUPER excited. I'm going with my boyfriend who has never been there before. I love Disney rides (for the most part) because there aren't many big roller coasters, minus a few. I hate roller coasters almost as much as I hate v* (for me it goes hand in hand, I get nervous that I will v* because of a roller coaster). Anyways, my boyfriend has heard a lot about Space Mountain and of course really wants to go on it. I told him I'd go on it too, but I am very nervous about it and scared it will trigger n*. I've never been on that ride there before. I went on Splash Mountain once (the log flume) and I absolutely hated it and had a panic attack the whole ride. I hate big drops. Do you think it's too risky to go on Space Mountain? I know it's in the dark which is good because I would close my eyes anyway, but it makes me nervous because I have literally no clue what to expect. Has anyone been on this ride before? Are there any big drops? If I don't chicken out, should I take something like dramamine before hand? Any advice would be nice!