why is that ive been fine then something seems hell bent on trying to destroy me. I feel like ive been battling a bug for weeks on off nausea, days where I feel fine then it comes back.
In all of this i get no cramps no loose stools but bloatedness, sickness feeling and the 'feeling of doom itll happen' I cant settle and ita hars.I try to avoid anti-emetics and flip between just wanting it out but then being too scared.
The docotr has prescribed me 150mg ranitidine and 4mp oral Zofran (ondansetron) I tool both earlier this evening thinking that'd help but it hasnt even done anything
Any else had experience where zofran doesnt appear to work? Should I take another?
Ive had lemon and ginger, peppermint, mints to try and settle but dont working