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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Default Anxious over cold symptoms

    I always come down with colds several times a year, however I've been lucky and haven't been ill since fall last year. Very abnormal for me, but I welcome it as I hate having colds.

    The last couple of days my throat has been feeling thick and sore, especially in the mornings. I've been freezy too and warm on and off. So I'm guessing I'm gonna come down with it "properly" soon.

    Now, my problem is that a year or two ago I would have been able to take it for what it is - simply a cold. Now however, my brain instantly jumps to the conclusion/possibility that it's the stomach flu, and naturally I get very anxious and even have had a few panic attacks over it already. It isn't going around anywhere at the moment, but I'm still very anxious.

    Do anyone else feel like this, and what do you do to calm down, what works for you? I don't really need to make the (coming) cold any worse by being in panic all the time.
    Last edited by bleue; 06-25-2017 at 10:25 AM.



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