Finally i can announce I am a recovered emetophobia, the reason, i know that, is i was sick last night due to acid reflux, and it didn't bothered me at all, it been a long journey for me, i went 34 years without vomiting, until 2012, when i broke my cycle, which was a first step for me,i have been sick a few times since, as well, because i am not scared of it anymore, i tend to not to fight as i know now i will feel instantly better , where as before i would fight the nausea, which would last for days.

What has help me more than anything, is experincing vomiting, it help me understand my body, as well as real nausea, and nausea due th anxitie, i used to dread winter comming up, not even thought about it this years, been out for meals regulary, i tend to get involved with people on a social level as well. anyone telling you to avoid vomiting, i beleive are wrong, you should never induce, but let it happen naturally, and focus what your body is doing, doesn't last long, it help me to recover anyway. heres a video, when i was at my worse, it was year when the norovirus was hitting my town.