My uncle was sick august 11th (4 Fridays ago) with a stomach virus that lasts 2-3 days. No vomiting but his symptoms were light fevers, chills, nausea, and diarrhea.

He lives with my grandparents in a small house that only has one bathroom. Being that they're both in their 70's, with my grandma being a breast cancer surivior as well, it can be assumed that they have weaker immune systems, so he, luckily, would disinfect all of the restroom, even telling my grandma she could disinfect it again if she wanted to.

Considering the maximum length of the virus was 3 days, I know his symptoms would've stopped by the following Monday at the very latest, so he wouldn't be sick anymore. But he'd still be able to shed it for the next two weeks, which of course already passed as well, and seeing as my grandparents are both doing well, neither being sick, I guess he either stopped shedding it before the two weeks were up or he'd continue to disinfect until the two weeks were up.

Which is a good thing. The reason I'm overthinking though is because my little sister's birthday is coming up, and today, she came home with a blanket he bought for her as a gift, since he usually works a lot and isn't always able to show up to the actual event. I was laying in the room under that blanket, unaware it was from him, and I'm a bit nervous because it touched my mouth.

I know what you're thinking: "It's already been passed two weeks, and lots of adults stop shedding the virus three days after being sick, why are you overthinking?"

Well, the main reason is, he buys gifts for people pretty early. I mean he'd do it as far back as a month prior sometimes. I know he's a clean guy for the most part and I'm sure he wouldn't want to risk getting us sick, but I don't know when he got that blanket for her, where he's kept it, and/or if he's had viral particles on his hands before touching it, and that bothers me honestly.

I'm somewhat confident he didn't get it while he was sick but he could've gotten it while he was still shedding it..