There have been times where I have done a few "crazy" things to fight back v* when really n*. I'm actually a little embarrassed to post these - hoping you all can somewhat relate or at very least not think I am completely crazy! What have some of you done to prevent v* when either very n* or on the verge of v*? Here's some of mine:

- I once read something from a nurse who swore that the smell of rubbing alcohol would ease n* in her patients instantaneously. So she would often use cotton balls with alcohol on them to put under the patients nose for a second or two. After reading this, sometimes when I am really n* or keep smelling something unpleasant that may trigger n* I either sniff isopropryl alcohol and as a last ditch effort I actually put some on cotton balls/tissues and stuff them up my nose to avoid smelling anything. Yes, it does burn!

- I try to dry out my mouth with medications, paper towels, or using alcohol based mouth wash frequently.

- When super n* I avoid brushing my teeth which KILLS me because I am an avid brusher!

- I've eaten half a bottle of antacids, 3/4 a box of Nauzene (an otc anti-emetic), a whole bag of ginger chews/gum/peppermints etc. Not all of these in one sitting but maybe one of these at a time. Very large quantities though.

-I was so close to v* recently I laid on the bathroom floor and shoved the side of my forearm in my mouth and bit down hard. I figured this way would prevent anything from coming up and out with my arm being in the way and the pain from biting down would distract from the n*. It helped for a while. Next day I had a huge mouth/teeth shaped raised bruise that was hard to explain to people.

-I've minor self harmed with a rubber band around my wrist to distract from n* - snapped it until there were painful marks for days.

I'll add more if I think of any!