Hey ya'll. Just in need of some support.

So I recently posted about how I was ill on Sunday as a result of drinking too much wine the night before. And by ill, I mean I was dry heaving, v* a little bit, and felt generally n* and was unable to eat or drink anything really. But that is pretty much standard for me when I drink. Anyway though it was very scary, I was feeling proud of myself for getting through v* without freaking out too much.

So Monday comes around, and I still felt a bit iffy, I figured dehydrated. I had a lot of coffee that morning which I know kind of messes with the digestive track, but I am a regular coffee drinker so that doesn't normally bother me. But I was hungry and I was able to eat some turkey deli meat, pretzels, and cheese for lunch. I felt fine all day. Then I went and visited my parents for dinner, and they had grilled salmon and asparagus and baked potatoes. That's a meal I'm used to having with them, and I trust their cooking. I felt full pretty quickly after eating, but that's pretty standard for me. I hung around for a few hours after dinner, and then went home.

Then my stomach starts gurgling and making weird noises. The kind you would traditionally associate with d*...except nothing happened but maybe one lose BM (sorry for TMI). But nothing would provide relief. I was getting chills too and mouth watering and was convinced I was going to v*. I ended up staying up till nearly 2am freaking out and panicking.

Then I had to wake up for work at 8 this morning. I was cautious about what I ate, again snacked on some pretzels and ate turkey for lunch. I felt fine for the most part during the day, had one kinda abnormal BM but not d* by any means. I had a coffee drink in the afternoon, and again, still felt fine. By the time I was home for dinner I felt pretty hungry. I ended up making whole wheat pasta just with tomato sauce and some garlic salt/italian seasoning. And now the stomach gurgling and weird feelings are back!

It's so hard to describe. It's making weird noises, I get the feeling like I need to have d*, but nothing is happening.

Has anyone experienced this?? I know it probably sounds really weird, and I am hopeful that this is just a result of anxiety. I don't know if I am especially on edge because of being ill on Sunday, or what...I have been pretty good at handling this phobia so I am not sure why all of a sudden I am panicking so much over these weird stomach sensations.