Hi all!

I am in a relationship with an amazing person who I trusted enough to tell about my emetophobia. While very understanding about my "habits" I do sometimes worry about his hygiene habits. Today for instance, we were on a busy subway/public transit (he was touching the bars that you hold instead of taking a seat) and we walked to various places in the city. He did not wash his hands once, not once before eating. I offered hand sanitier but he politely refused.

How do those of you in any sort of relationship cope? Do you not say anything then panic if you share food? Or do you avoid sharing food? Does your SO wash their hands or change their habits while around you so you feel better? Do you beg/plead for them to do certain things to ease your anxiety?

I would love to ask my SO if he wouldn't mind washing his hands before we share food but I feel neurotic. Some people wash their hands before eating, some don't. I don't know what's "normal". Anyway, thought I'd bring this up since it's the first time in a while that I'm in a relationship with someone who didn't really copy some of the things I do to prevent possibly catching something. I realize ultimately in the long run for my anxiety that's good right? Kind of exposure in a way? I kind of wish he would, at least until I finish treatment (which hopefully works) to avoid halt in my progress if anything were to "happen".

Anyway, please let me know your thoughts!