
So, I've just been prescribed penicillin for tonsillitis and I have to take 2 tablets, 4 times a day for 10 days. It says one of the common side effects is n* and v*. I've had tonsillitis before and had antibiotics but I think I've always had amoxicillin and never experienced the side effects - will it be different because it's a different tablet?

I do have quite a strong stomach (I think anyway) and I'm sure I'm probably just overthinking because y'know, being an emet at this time of year, it's on my mind pretty often unfortunately! They say to take on an empty stomach/an hour before food, so I've just taken my first lot.

Has anyone taken these antibiotics before? How were your side effects? I know that if I am to experience the side effects then I'll be able to deal with it at the time but the thought petrifies me.

Thanks in advance