
The last 3 days have been just about the worst in my emet "career." I have gotten very little sleep because I've been up all night with n*and gas, pressure and bloating.

Well I thought I was doing better yesterday until this morning I woke up with a sore throat and major queasy/nausea. I am panicking because the last SV I had I woke up with a sore throat and then I v* late that night. I am at a new job and could not call in sick today. To make matters worse I have a business lunch in 3 hours! I couldn't even get toast down this morning - no appetite.

So I am sipping some tummy tea and trying to eat some dry pretzels - I also took a dramamine. Does this sound like a SV to anyone? Or am I just spiraling down?

This is a BAD one you guys.... please tell me I am not going to V....

