Hello, I'm super new to this site and didn't even know a site like this existed for people like me! It's lovely that so many people can help support each other with this terrible phobia (: I've struggled with this phobia all my life (I'm 17) and have had to be homeschooled in the past because of it. The past 3 years I've been on the right track, I've been able to go to school with no fear, and even get involved in year round extra circular activities. But his winter has been TERRIBLE for the norovirus. Especially since I caught it thanksgiving weekend. Ever since then I've been struggling to attend school, and even lost about 15 pounds because I am becoming anorexic in fear of getting sick again.

Anyways, back to the more prominent issue. So on Sunday I was with my boyfriend for most of the night and I kissed him. Monday morning he told me he wasn't coming to school because he was dizzy. Later in the day, one of my friends told me he had been v*ing. So I texted my boyfriend, and sure enough he had just v*ed, but he wasn't going to tell me because he knows of my phobia (I thought that was nice of him). However, it didn't stop me from panicking that I'm going to catch the norovirus. I don't even know that he had the sv*, he could have just ate something that didn't agree with him, he rarely gets sicks. So it's now Wednesday night (about 48 since he got sick, and 72 hours since I kissed him), and I've spent ALL DAY researching things about the norovirus and found so many different answers, and i just want a straight answer to a few questions:

1. Is me kissing him the night before he v*ed going to get me sick? I read that you can only get it if you kiss someone right after they V*ed?
2. How many days do I have to worry about the incubation period or of me getting it? I read that it was 24-48, and if I go by when I kissed him then I already passed the 48 hour mark, but if I go by when I saw him at school on Tuesday (he was sick on Monday, and on Tuesday I barely interacted with him) then its only been about 36 hours.
3. I had the sv* over thanksgiving break (about 8 weeks ago), and i heard that once you have it you're immune for 14 weeks. Is that true?
4. Do you always v* with the norovirus? Because last night I had d* (which doesn't freak me out) so could that have been my version of the sv* if I did happen to catch it?

I know thats a lot of information, but any answers are greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone