Just looking for some advice on the old eating front. I've spiralled into a bad emet phase after having what has felt like a few near-v* incidents this winter and have gone back to feeling weak and malaised due to limiting my stomach through fear of getting s* or d*. I'm sat here feeling dizzy though not exactly unwell and realized that I've been out in the city all day having two sauseges and a piece of bread at 9am this morning and a couple handfuls of Doritos at 4. It's now 9:30pm and I believe I'm hungry so have had a piece of bread and cheese and some nuts, but I'm even scared to have more ... I remember this feeling from my very very bad emet attack in 2015 when my bf got noro. He suffered for 48 hours, I have suffered for the past two years as since then I haven't been able to get past 50kg (I'm 5'8). What do you guys do to get yourself back into the swing of things after not eating?