I just got a phone call from my mother. She said she has to work midnight tonight also and she'll be home in the morning at about 8:00. Now I'm going to be 18 in a little under four months and I shouldn't be afraid of being home alone, but I am. I'm afraid because what if something happens to my body over night and she isn't here to call 911 or something and I'm so shy that I wouldn't call myself or call her at work.

I'm already lightheaded thinking about it. Crying also. I'm such a baby. But I'll be up most of the night. I usually am anyways, but tonight I will be up pretty later--maybe until 4 or later. If anyone will be on late can you IM me and keep my mind off things? My screename is KRAZIQTASHES and DONTWANNABEME17 (those are aim/aol.) I'll be on one or the other.

Ugh. I feel sick.